Parish Project for Black History Month: Learning about and Praying for Black Americans on the Road to Sainthood

Fr. Smith and the Parish Pastoral Council would like to let you know about an upcoming parish project for Black History Month, which is next month, to learn about and pray for Black Americans on the road to sainthood.

The US Catholic Bishops highlights six Black Americans, who are under consideration to be recognized as saints. For each of the four weekends in February, we will include a brief write-up in the parish email about one of these six individuals and will pray for the person at that Sunday’s Mass by using his/her prayer and including a petition for his/her sainthood candidacy in the Prayers of the Faithful.

Continue reading “Parish Project for Black History Month: Learning about and Praying for Black Americans on the Road to Sainthood”

Baptism of the Lord – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)

Mark’s gospel, as so I know many of you are aware, is the shortest of the presentations. And it begins with a very simple line. That he is telling you from the beginning, the story of Jesus Christ, the son of God. He then goes into a very brief piece of presentation about John the Baptist being out in the desert. But the highlight of that first chapter is this scene.
When Jesus comes to the River Jordan. And is baptized or submits to the baptism of John, despite John’s objections.

Continue reading “Baptism of the Lord – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)”

Mass Intentions for the Week

Sunday January 10
9 AM Mass Remembered By
Raymond Sullivan  The Sullivan Family
In Memory of Julianna O’Brien  Bob and Donna Whiteford
11:15 AM Mass Remembered By
Dolores Soster  Jennifer Kuzara
For the repose of the soul of Hazel Reed  Nancy and Darlene Martinez
Tuesday, January 12
8 AM Online Mass Remembered By
Antonio Roberto Guedes  The Guedes-Smith Family
Wednesday, January 13
12:10 PM Mass Remembered By
For the Recovery of Dawn Hewitt
Bernard Strassner  Mary Muniz
Thursday January 14 Remembered By
Julianna O’Brien  The Thompson – Nowicki Family

The Masses celebrated at St. Charles Borromeo may be offered for your intentions–for any person or persons, living or deceased.To have a Mass offered for someone, please call or email the rectory.

New Joiners Welcome for Bible Study; Catch-up Session this Sun. at 5 PM

We recently formed a Bible study group that explored the four Gospels during Advent. The group will continue to meet and examine the other New Testament books and letters.

We are using the Panorama of the New Testament study guide published by Little Rock Scripture Study, which is recognized as a leader in assisting Catholic parishes encounter the Bible for over 40 years. The materials are written by respected Catholic biblical scholars and include short video lectures to reinforce the lessons. As the title of the study guide, Panorama of the New Testament, suggests, these sessions will provide a broad overview and are perfect for folks whose only experience with the Gospels is hearing them proclaimed at Sunday Mass.

The next meeting of the Bible study group will be on Sunday, January 10 at 5 PM via Zoom.

Fr. Bill is available to hold an online catch-up session this Sunday, January 3 at 5 PM to orient you to what we covered during Advent. Please email him, [email protected], if you are interested in attending the catch-up session.