Family Fellowship Gathering Next Sunday at 10 AM

(photo: Paula Katinas; reprinted with permission)

Our Young Family Fellowship group will meet next Sunday around 10 AM (after the 9 AM Mass ends). Weather permitting, we will meet in the rectory backyard with snacks/drinks to share. Later in June, we will have our rescheduled talk with Susan Walsh, principal of St. Saviour Academy on Sunday June 26 at 10 AM.

For more information about our group, please check out the article in this week’s Tablet in which we were featured: “At St. Charles, a Baby Boom Brings Parents Together in Fellowship.” The full article is available on our website and is excerpted below:

[T]here’s a new family fellowship in the church that’s specifically designed to bring parents of young children together to tell their stories, share advice and discuss raising their children in the Catholic faith.
At that first session, parents spent time discussing their choices for the best books with religious themes to read aloud to children, Father Smith said.

Holy Week at St. Charles
Palm SundayApril 109 AM, 11:15 AM*, 7 PM Masses – Palms will be distributed
10 AM Family Faith Class
10 AM Young Families Meeting
2 PM – Ukrainian Pysanky Easter Egg Workshop – RSVP required
5:15 PM Bible Study – Luke on Zoom
Reconciliation MondayApril 1111 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
12:10 PM* Mass, Confessions available after Mass
4 to 8 PM – Sacrament of Reconciliation Walk-In
5 PM Rosary on Zoom
TuesdayApril 128 AM Online Mass on Zoom
WednesdayApril 138:30 AM to 11:30 AM Food Pantry Packing
12:10 PM* Weekday Mass
12:30 PM – 2 PM Church open for Private Prayer
Holy ThursdayApril 148:30 AM to 1:30 PM Food Pantry Distribution
7 PM* Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Good Friday April 153 PM* Celebration of the Passion of the Lord
7 PM Stations of the Cross
Holy SaturdayApril 168 PM* Easter Vigil Mass
Easter SundayApril 179 AM, 11:15 AM* Masses
(No evening Mass on Easter Sunday)

* Also livestreamed on our YouTube channel at

All events are at the Church, 19 Sidney Place, unless otherwise noted.
Tickets/reservations are not required for Mass.

COVID Safety Precautions

  • Masks are still required at the 9 AM Mass, which traditionally is our Family Mass. We want everyone to be able to worship safely, including families with young children who are not yet eligible to be vaccinated.
  • At our other Masses, we recommend you wear a mask and continue to use appropriate caution to prevent the spread of germs.
  • We implore you to wear a mask when receiving communion and receive it in your hands. We have older priests and we want to keep them and all of us safe.

Mass Intentions for the Week of March 20

Sunday, March 20
9 AM Mass Remembered By
Theresa & Loreto Schiano ✟ Daughters Giustina & Gemma
11:15 AM Mass Remembered By
Warner Lombardi ✟, Saturnino Duque ✟,
& Robert Barry ✟
Angel & Minsie Ampil
Saturday, March 26
12 PM Baptism
Emma Diaz

The Masses celebrated at St. Charles Borromeo may be offered for your intentions–for any person or persons, living or deceased. To have a Mass offered for someone, please call or email the rectory.

4th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Smith)

Today’s gospel continues the story of Jesus’s return to Nazareth. As a devout man he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath, as a learned one he was asked to read a lesson from a prophet and comment on it. The reading was from Isaiah. It spoke of anointing by the spirit of the Lord which would bring glad tidings to the poor, proclaim, and produce liberty and give sight to the blind. By Jesus’ time this passage was held to refer to the Messiah. Jesus ends with “Today this scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing” Essentially, I am he. The people all spoke highly of him and seemed to agree, but by the end of the passage they wished to kill him. Far from incidental this is essential to Luke’s message, but we can only understand it if we find ourselves with his townspeople ready to hurl him off the cliff.
It is important to feel sympathy for the Nazoreans. It is easy to believe that all Jews awaited the Messiah with the same expectations. There were a few common ideas such as being of the line of David and reuniting the tribes of Israel but there were many thoughts on how this could be accomplished. For the sake of convenience let us reduce them to two: prophet or King.
Jesus clearly saw himself as a prophet. He compares himself to the prophets Elijah and Elisha. His examples from their lives are very selective. He speaks only when the prophets brought God’s mercy to non jews. From the beginning the Jewish people sensed that they were chosen not for themselves but to be God’s missionaries to the world. Let us look at just the book of the prophet Isaiah. The first person to use that name, around 700 BC wrote:
In days to come LORD’s house
shall be established as the highest of the mountains,
all the nations shall stream to it. (Is 2:2)

The second one to use the name around 500BC wrote:
“It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.” (Is 49:6)

We could find many more examples throughout the prophets. The Jews were given a great and important mission and the messiah would be the means of its fulfillment. This mission will be complicated by a commitment to non-violence.
This was, however, not universally accepted and indeed often forgotten. Jesus read from the 3rd person to use the name Isaiah around 450BC. He speaks of freeing the captives and bringing sight to the blind, but Jesus removes one line from this passage:
and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all who mourn; (Is 61:2)
Many, perhaps most, Jews wanted the messiah to be a king who would lead them in a war of liberation against their oppressors. We must never forget that they were truly oppressed. With only a brief exception they have been under foreign domination since 587 BC. This varied in intensity, but they were never free and independent. Jesus is not making a neutral theological comment with his examples but is intentionally touching a nerve.
Salvation would not be only for the Jews it would be from them for all, including people they hated and there would be no vengeance.
They did not like that, and we must ask ourselves, do we? Do we want a Messiah who is truly a prophet, or do we want a king?
Our society and church are deeply divided. It has become personal in so many situations.
If Jesus were to return today and preach what has come to be called Catholic social teaching, he would be accused of being a right-wing zealot by the left and a socialist agitator by the right. Messiahs are only warmly accepted when they reflect previously formed opinions and confirm underlying biases. For all our protestations of Christianity we might very well find ourselves allied with people with whom we share no other opinion except that Jesus must go. We either accept Jesus or kill him if only in our hearts. In his own day, the Pharisees and followers of Herod despised each other but hated Jesus more and conspired against him.
This is true in the Church as well. Media outlets which call themselves Catholic can sound so different that it is hard to believe that they are part of the same religion. For people of my age the disrespect shown to Pope Francis is upsetting and unnerving but very revealing. We are barely talking at each other much less preaching to the world with the same voice.
Therefore, the Pope has called the synod on moving together. The present situation is not where the Lord wants us to be, and Pope Francis does not think that the answer will come from the head down. We will not find where God want us to be from learned seminars and academic conferences nor even retreats and spiritual gatherings as important as they are. It will be found by the people of God, you, and me, coming together and asking the Holy Spirit to guide us.
I ask you again to participate in the synod. The final group meeting will be after this Mass today, and you can also participate through our parish zoom. The only prerequisite is believing that the Holy Spirit has something to say through you. It will not be the total truth and may indeed be different from what someone else has said. Canonized Saints have disagreed so can we. This is the way the Church is moved and move we must.
Christians throughout the centuries have learned what St Luke taught today: the love of the spirit will rarely bring us where we want to go, but always put us where we need to be.

Continue reading “4th Sunday Ordinary Time – Homily (Fr. Smith)”

Luke Bible Study Starts during Lent

Our next Bible study group will begin March 6, the first Sunday of Lent. We will study the Gospel of Luke, which is the source of many of the readings at Mass this liturgical year. Once again, we’ll use the Little Rock Scripture Books. There are two separate volumes.

For Lent (March 6 through April 10), we’ll cover the six lessons in the first volume, which comprises Luke chapters 1 through 11.  We’ll take a break for Easter then continue with volume 2 which covers Luke, chapters 12 through 24 in five lessons.  

Continue reading “Luke Bible Study Starts during Lent”

Young Family Fellowship Next Sunday at 12:15 PM

Are you a parent of an infant, toddler, or young child?  Do you have a baby on the way? Are you an experienced parent or family member who has raised young children in the community?

Many of us at St. Charles look after both the practical and spiritual needs of young children. How can we support each other?

All are welcome to the first gathering of the Young Family Fellowship group next Sunday, February 6 after the 11:15 AM Mass. This first session focus on introductions and setting up topics of interest for discussion for our monthly meetings.

You can join in-person — the gathering will be held in the back of the church. If you can’t make it to the church, please feel free to tune in via Zoom around 12:15 PM.