4th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Reminded that We Are Part of God’s Plan

Moses Speaks to the People, James Jacques Joseph Tissot, c. 1896-1902, Jewish Museum of New York

Fr. Smith’s Commentary on the First Reading
Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Deuteronomy 18:15–20
January 31, 2021

People who believe in a God wish to have a connection and indeed be in communication with him or her. Religions differ on how, why, and by whom this is accomplished. These are important questions but as we will see today, they rest on the basic understanding of who God is.

Our Scriptures give us information about the people who were to become the Jews from about 1400 BC. Most of the Old Testament that we have today was compiled in its present form by 400 BC. There was much evolution in thought during this time, but there are key ideas and themes that become more prominent as the people’s relationship with God developed.

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3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time – Being Exceptional Without Exception

The Calling of Saint Peter and Saint Andrew, James Tissot, 1886-1894, Brooklyn Museum

Fr. Smith’s Commentary on the First Reading
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jonah 3:1–5, 10
January 24, 2021

The book of Jonah is difficult to date with great precision, but scholars suggest that it was written sometime between 300 and 250 BC. This would have been after the conquest of Judea by Alexander the Great in 332 BC and the breakup of his empire after his death in 323 BC. Even the most biblically illiterate person knows of it because of the story of Jonah and the whale, but its message is sublime and one that we may need to ponder now.

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A Call that Will Ring People’s Ears

The Calling of Samuel, Joshua Reynolds, c. 1776

Fr. Smith’s Commentary on the First Reading
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
1 Samuel 3:3b-10
January 17, 2021

We know that a moment is important in Jewish History when the LORD calls someone to do his will. We have seen the call of prophets and patriarchs. They know that they will be involved with something big and usually wish to opt out. God however knows who he wants, and no excuses are acceptable.

The situation today is the turn from a clan-based leadership structure to a real monarchy. We examined this a few weeks ago. To briefly review, from roughly 1350 to 1050 BC, the Hebrews were a loose coalition of tribes with similar religious beliefs and a shared dietary code. They desired to be as independent as possible but often needed to unite to fight a common enemy. At this time, they would determine a leader – a war chief – who world organize an army and lead it until they won or lost. This leader was called a judge. This system was like the confederations around them.

Some of these however were developing a more centralized administration which allowed them to maintain a professional army placing the Hebrews at a strategic disadvantage. This would need to change but it would only be a change within their tradition if it were instituted by a holy man called by the LORD. That man was Samuel.

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Suggestions Welcome for Novena Prayers and Readings

More than 50 people joined for the first night of the Novena for Our Country that we are sponsoring together with St. Augustine and St. Francis Xavier. The novena is being said nightly via Zoom at 5 PM through next Tuesday. For more information, see the “Invitation to Novena for Our Country”. Don’t worry if you missed the first night, you are welcome to join in.

As I mentioned last night, I have received wonderful suggestions for prayers and readings for upcoming nights of the novena. I encourage you to keep emailing them to me, [email protected]. This has truly been a communal effort in a time that certainly needs one, and I see my role for this novena as primarily being editor.

Please make your suggestions based on the following format:

A. Entrance Antiphon: Short scripture verse

B. Opening Prayer: Collects from the Roman Missal are appropriate; as well as the several suggestions from the Book of Common Prayer (1928 and 1976)

C. Reading: Most suggestions to date have been from Fratelli Tutti chapter 5. We will use these until Thursday. Other ideas welcome. We have had one from Bishop Curry, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church and one from St Pope John Paul 2nd. Please give enough text to supply some background.

C. Scripture response: Keep it short and simple.

D. Concluding Prayer: People have been very creative.

E. Final Blessing: This is the only part that will be said by a priest.

I have included the readings until Thursday below, but you can send prayers whether they fit these readings or not for future use. There will be a special emphasis on Mary for Saturday.

Let us support each other in this most difficult and dangerous time.

I remain
In Christ,
Fr. Bill Smith

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Baptism of the Lord – Responding to God’s Call

The Baptism of Christ, Grigory Gagarin, c. 1840–1850

Fr. Smith’s Commentary on the First Reading
Isaiah 55:1–11
January 10, 2021

Advent / Christmastide is the season of Isaiah as we continue reading the book of Isaiah in all its manifestations. This week, we will examine the conclusion of the writings of Isaiah of Babylon. He addressed the Jewish leaders exiled in Babylon after the final destruction and abandonment of Jerusalem in 586 BC. This was after Babylon itself was conquered in 539 BC by Cyrus, the Assyrian king. Cyrus offered the Jews in Babylon return to Jerusalem if they rebuilt it and functioned as their colonial administration. Isaiah of Babylon—usually called second Isaiah as he was the second person to use this name—is a man of notable talent who provides political commentary, a theology of history, eloquent exhortations to Justice, and much else. Yet we must remember that he is also a propagandist for the LORD. He sought to convince people to take up this invitation and return to Jerusalem and rebuild Jewish life. In this passage today, he reviews his best arguments and reveals a lesson for us in the here and very now.

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Mary, Mother of God – Homily (Fr. Smith)

On behalf of Msgr. LoPinto, Fr. Gribowich, and of course myself, I would like to express our best wishes as we close out the calendar year 2020 and pray for 2021. It is comforting to do this not only as Christians but as Catholics. In our tradition this is the “Octave of Christmas.” As the name suggests Octave means 8 and reflects the Latin way of counting. It means however a week and is a way of marking very special feasts. There were once many Octaves but now they have been reduced to two: Christmas and Easter. The Octave of Christmas has celebrated many things over the years. Some of us may remember when it was the feast of the circumcision of our Lord. But Pope St. Paul 6th realized that it should be dedicated to Mary. An octave is an echo of Jesus major interventions into history and Mary is the most perfect echo of Jesus’ incarnation.  Of all the possibilities of recognizing Mary’s special connection to the Incarnation he chose “Mary, the Mother of God.” Let us look at why and another Gospel selection before returning to the Gospel chosen today and a more pertinent lesson.

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Epiphany – Making Justice Our Aim

The Magi Journeying (Les rois mages en voyage), James Tissot, 1886-1894 (Brooklyn Museum)
(About this Image)

Fr. Smith’s Commentary on the First Reading
Feast of the Epiphany
Isaiah 60:1–6
January 3, 2021

The first reading for the feast of the Epiphany is standard and doesn’t change every year. You may find previous commentaries for 2019 (Jan. 6, 2019) and 2020 (Jan. 5, 2020). As Isaiah speaks today of light and salvation, it is a perfect selection for Epiphany. It also, as we have seen over the years, contains many images and thoughts which give it a certain complexity. Reviewing it every year reveals what I have learned about the First Testament over the previous year and how it can be applied to our immediate situation.

There are some elements which however are central and constant. Three people used or were given the name Isaiah. A more complete background of the three Isaiahs may be found in the commentary for December 13, 2020. Let us however review the highlights. First Isaiah lived in Jerusalem and was an active prophet between roughly 700 and 695 BC., second Isaiah lived in Babylon after the people had been brought into captivity around 540 BC and third Isaiah had returned to Jerusalem and wrote around 515 BC.

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