“Do not be afraid any longer, little flock,
for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom.
Sell your belongings and give alms.
Provide money bags for yourselves that do not wear out,
an inexhaustible treasure in heaven
that no thief can reach nor moth destroy.
For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.”
(Luke 12:32–34)
Fr. Smith’s Commentary on the Second Reading
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Hebrews 11:1–2, 8–19
August 7, 2022
The second Sunday readings this month will be from the “Letter to the Hebrews.” We looked at sections of this letter last fall. Then we learned that it was most likely written in and for the 1st century church in Rome. Most of the Christians in Rome were born Jews and understood Judaism. We can surmise from hints in the letter and the topics the author examines that they still felt a pull to return to Judaism. These were for theological, political, and psychological reasons. Many thought that the Lord’s return had been suspiciously delayed and all were aware that they had lost the protection of Judaism. Remember, Jews did not have to offer sacrifice to the emperors, if Christians were considered a new religion, they would face the death penalty.
The author first examined the most basic issue for a Jew, the covenant with the Lord which defined them. A covenant requires offering a sacrifice and thus a priest. The author established that Jesus is the eternal high priest and the covenant he creates is deeper than the temple convent and more permanent. Today we will see him address faith and why it always was the key connection to the LORD.
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