Next Book Discussion Starts on Thursday

Join us on Thursday at 7:10 PM as we start the discussion of a new book, The Guardians of Mercy by Terence Ward. Revealing how art can play a role in conversion, the author examines Caravaggio’s The Seven Acts of Mercy. The discussion will be led by Fr. John Gribowich, who wrote his master’s thesis on Caravaggio.

Below is the discussion schedule:

  • June 4th – Introduction to Caravaggio
  • June 11th – Part 1, “In Exile” and Part 2, “The Seven Acts of Mercy,” Feeding the Hungry (pages 1-44)
  • June 18th – Part 2, “The Seven Acts of Mercy,” Sheltering the Homeless and Clothing the Naked (pages 45-86)
  • June 25th – Part 2, “The Seven Acts of Mercy,” Visiting the Prisoners and Water to the Thirsty (pages 87-119)
  • July 2nd – Part 2, “The Seven Acts of Mercy,” Burying the Dead and Healing the Sick (pages 119-156)
  • July 9th – Part 3, “The Reward” and Epilogue (pages 157-183)

The book is available in print and e-book formats. Amazon has it for sale at this link. Fr. John will provide an introduction to Caravaggio at this Thursday’s session, so don’t worry if your copy doesn’t arrive in time.

If you would like to plan ahead, we’ll be reading Field Hospital: The Church’s Engagement With a Wounded World by William T. Cavanaugh once we finish The Guardians of Mercy. Field Hospital is inspired by the pastoral vision of Pope Francis, and has chapters entitled: “Are Corporation People? The Corporate Form and the Body of Christ” and “Actually, You Can’t Be Anything You Want (and It’s a Good Thing Too).” A serious, but fun, read! Continue reading “Next Book Discussion Starts on Thursday”

St. Charles at Home #10: Hidden Glory of Creation

This week, Fr. John Gribowich and Phil Murray discuss several topics raised during last Sunday’s homily: Franz Jägerstätter and the movie A Hidden Life; C.S. Lewis’s The Weight of Glory; Pope Francis’ Laudato si’.

St. Charles at Home episodes feature conversation between the prior Sunday’s homilist and parishioners to provide us with more connection to the parish during the week. The videos are available on our YouTube channel and our website.

Church Open for Private Prayer on 6/2 and 6/4; Input Needed for Upcoming Schedule

The church building will be open for private prayer during the week in accordance with Phase 1 of the diocesan plan. The Reopening Committee welcomes your input as we develop our upcoming schedule.

Private Prayer Schedule

Next week, the church will be open for private prayer on Tuesday, June 2 and Thursday, June 4 from 12 PM to 2 PM. We will follow the same protocols as announced last week, e.g. masks must be worn within the church and entry will be limited to ten people at a time. Please see last week’s post for more details.

The daily prayer schedule may be adjusted for the following weeks based upon your input. Please let us know what days and times you would like the church to be open for private prayer by clicking here to completing the survey by Tuesday, June 2 at 12 PM.

Public Mass Schedule

We would also welcome your feedback as we develop our weekday public Mass schedule. We will resume a weekday public Mass when the diocese determines that it is safe to do so as part of the second phase of the church reopening (Sunday Mass will resume in a later phase). At the outset, we anticipate a public Mass will be said on only one or two days a week  Please let us know your preferred days and times for a public weekday Mass by completing the second survey by Tuesday, June 2 at 12 PM.

Volunteers Still Needed

Thank you for everyone who helped out this past week. We are still seeking volunteers to help facilitate the private prayer hours by ensuring that we adhere to no more than 10 people at a time in the church and that visitors use hand sanitizer and wear masks, and wiping down pews after use. If you are able to assist, please let us know which days and which times you would be available.

Once we are allowed to resume public Masses, we will need more ushers and greeters given the enhanced health and safety protocols. We will not be able to resume public Masses until the Diocese of Brooklyn determines it is safe to do so. However, we want to ensure that we are prepared when that day comes.

If you are interested in serving either during private prayer hours or once public Masses resume, please email Jane Olson, [email protected].

Message from Mike McGowan, PPC

Hello all. I wanted to highlight a few parish updates.

Last Sunday’s Mass – Thank you all who participated in last Sunday’s Mass dedicated to those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. It was a moving and healing moment where we were spiritually connected even if still socially distant.

Change to Friday Liturgy of the Hours Timing – There is one change to our online weekly events. The Liturgy of the Hours prayer will move from Friday morning to Friday at 5 PM to better accommodate people’s current schedules. We encourage you to join in—as Fr. Bill says, it is a wonderful way to end the week with Jesus, and there will be an opportunity to stay on the line afterwards and socialize. Continue reading “Message from Mike McGowan, PPC”