4th Sunday of Lent – Making Us Who God Wants Us to Be

Nicodemus and Jesus on a Rooftop, Henry O. Tanner, 1899, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
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Fr. Smith’s Commentary on the First Reading
Fourth Sunday of Lent
2 Chronicles 36:14–16, 19–23
March 14, 2021

This week, we have the option of choosing the readings from Cycle A, Sam 16, which will be read at the 11:15 AM Mass or 2d Chronicles 36 from cycle B, which will be read at the 9AM Mass. 1 Sam 16 was discussed last year (my commentary on it last year is available online).

The books of Chronicles are often considered an afterthought. They cover the same materials as the books of Samuel or Kings and are most characterized by seemingly endless genealogies. If quoted at all it is usually for information about David or Solomon not found anywhere else. Yet we ignore Chronicles at our peril. It would be like ignoring the gospel of Mark because there is more to found in Matthew or Luke. Chronicles was written to address the situation of its time and place.

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Black Americans on Their Way to Sainthood: Julia Greeley

Julia Greeley (c. 1840 – 1918), Ex-Slave, Housekeeper, “Denver’s Angel of Charity,” Servant of God
By Mike McGowan

Whatever was thrown at her,
Julia kept her good eye on her lover nailed to a cross and
chose to follow his lead in not fighting back,
while sharing his love to all.
Thus in a world, where so much racial vitriol still abounds,
Julia gives all a sterling example of respecting the dignity of all our brothers and sisters.

An Hour with Julia Greeley, Fr. Blaine Burkey, O.F.M.Cap, 2020

Julia Greeley lived a humble life devoted to helping those in need and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She is an example to us when we face challenging situations. She also shows us how to love and serve our neighbors compassionately.

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