How many of us like to use public transportation? Bait Subway Guy love the subway. And that means I have to walk to the subway now. Walking around the neighborhood. I’ve noticed something. So you have to tell me if I’m correct or incorrect and whether or not you are one of these people. So waiting for a red light. I have noticed that pedestrians don’t wait on the sidewalk.
Continue reading “Homily – 2nd Sunday of Advent”Author: Fr. Joe Gibino
Homily – 1st Sunday of Advent
Yesterday afternoon I had one of those Brooklyn Heights experiences. So you all know where the corner of Clinton and Atlantic is. Yeah. Key food is right there. The barbershop. And so you’ve all been there, right? So a gentleman in a black looked like a black station wagon. Small SUV was trying to pull into a parking place. Now, coming up right behind him was someone in a larger white SUV who wasn’t paying attention, who wasn’t watching what was going on, and came right up to the bumper.
Continue reading “Homily – 1st Sunday of Advent”Homily – Christ the King
So this morning, how many of us, when we hear the word lamb or sheep, think of this wooly, wonderful little creature who is warm and toasty and cuddly and just adorable and and then when you hear the word goat, how many of us think of this smelly creature that eats tin cans and butts people with its head and has these ugly horns?
Continue reading “Homily – Christ the King”Homily – 31st Sunday Ordinary Time
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Homily – 30th Sunday Ordinary Time
I just need to get a quick survey. Where are the lawyers in the room I’ve got Where are the lawyers? So you only have two lawyers and the only two lawyers.
Okay. Because I have a question now, what do the words law and love have to do with each other? So if I may quote the wonderful Tina Turner, What’s love got to do with it? Got to do with it. What’s love? But a second hand emotion? Well, whenever you put the law and love together in a congregation where there may be more than two lawyers, but only two who will self-identify, you can run into problems.
Continue reading “Homily – 30th Sunday Ordinary Time”Homily – 29th Sunday Ordinary Time
For the past few weeks, we have heard the word enemy a lot. Now enemy is a very interesting word. Enemy implies us against them or him or her against me. Enemy is a very tricky word.
Continue reading “Homily – 29th Sunday Ordinary Time”Homily – 29th Sunday Ordinary Time
Think for a moment only in terms of food groups. I I’m about to say a holiday and you tell me the food group that comes to your mind. Halloween candy? Absolutely. For some of us, chocolate is a primary food group. Thanksgiving, Christmas thing. Now, I would have said lasagna, but that might be a cultural thing. Easter, 4th of July, Art.
Continue reading “Homily – 29th Sunday Ordinary Time”