It may sound like a truism that in every age in history there are a number of great crises, and in every great crisis, great leaders emerge that capture the imagination of people and lead them out of the crisis. Certainly, the Second World War would be one of those moments of crisis, and certainly for the people of Great Britain.
Continue reading “Homily – 12th Sunday Ordinary Time”Author: Fr. Joe Gibino
Homily – 10th Sunday Ordinary Time
Let’s take a little stroll down memory lane. Think back. What is the first time you clearly remember getting into trouble? getting into trouble. Now, there are many reasons why one could get into trouble. I wouldn’t know, I only got in trouble once in all my life. I learned very quickly. But for example, when we got into trouble, did we try to lie our way out of it?
Continue reading “Homily – 10th Sunday Ordinary Time”Homily – Corpus Christi
Have you ever noticed that we as a people tend to think in threes? So if I say to you. Red, blue. Then I hear we have a discussion. Someone says white. Someone says yellow. Where are the yellow people? Primary colors red, blue and yellow. Who says white? Patriotic people. Red, white and blue. So sometimes there is going to be a fourth option.
So let’s try this again. If I say apples, oranges, you say bananas. Who say grapefruit? Bananas. Okay, we’re back to the fourth. One more. I’ve got to be right. At one point, Mo. Larry and. Okay, see, we finally came to three. The threes are very important for us as a people. Think of the number of times that we just think in threes.
Continue reading “Homily – Corpus Christi”Homily – Trinity Sunday
So if I use the expression the GOAT. Does everybody know who the GOAT is? The greatest of all time. Now, I myself have been called the GOAT. But it’s another story. And I’m just guessing Gracie is the GOAT. The G-baby of all time. It sort of goes with it. But the past few weeks, we’ve been talking about the GOAT.
Continue reading “Homily – Trinity Sunday”Homily – Pentecost
On this Pentecost Sunday, I’m going to ask you two questions. Well, maybe three, but we’ll see how it goes. Number one, first question. What is the greatest lie that we have been told? Now we’ve been told a lot of lies, and perhaps someone has accused me of stretching the truth a bit. But it’s the truth stretched a bit.
Continue reading “Homily – Pentecost”Homily – 7th Sunday of Easter
So, on this Mother’s Day for all of the mothers. But really, for all of the parents, since 2013, we have all heard one song over and over and over again. And children pretty much everywhere in the world have watched this movie over and over again.
They sing the lyrics, they dance to the song. It is heard, dare I say, ad nauseum. What is this song? What is the movie? Frozen. You guessed it. Let it go over and over again. Parents. Grandparents. Mothers. Everyone has heard the words. Let it go. And it’s very interesting that the main character of the movie, really the heroine of this story, sings it several times and she sings, let it go, let it go.
Continue reading “Homily – 7th Sunday of Easter”Homily – 5th Sunday of Easter
Now, I need everyone this morning to do a look back. For some of you, that look back will be shorter than it is for others of us. But the look back is to when we were young and we had aunts and uncles. Does everyone have an aunt and uncle somewhere? Do you have a crazy aunt or uncle? The one that was sort of embarrassing.
Continue reading “Homily – 5th Sunday of Easter”