As you know, I believe that each and every one of us has a superpower given to us by God. Now, as many different people as are gathered here today, that’s the number of superpowers we have in the congregation. And it is very important for us to listen to the Holy Spirit so that we know which gift is ours to use for the building up of the Kingdom of God.
Continue reading “Homily – 26th Sunday Ordinary Time”Author: Fr. Joe Gibino
Homily – 25th Sunday Ordinary Time
If I were to ask you, and I am about to, who has heard of Saint Damien of Molokai? Who has heard of Saint Damien? Raise your hands, please. Damien of Molokai. Okay. Some of you know the great missionary saint of the Hawaiian Islands, who ministered to the lepers, at the lepers and lepers are those members of the community who have Hansen’s disease.
Continue reading “Homily – 25th Sunday Ordinary Time”Homily – 24th Sunday Ordinary Time
Several months ago, I shared with you my superpower. Who remembers what my superpower is?
Okay. Wow. My superpower is that I can sleep anywhere, at any time. I am a great sleeper. So in light of today’s gospel, I thought I would share my other superpower. And that is, I can pick the wrong line just standing in any department store, supermarket or drug store. I will always be in the wrong line. I’ve even moved from a line that was moving quicker to get into a line that slowed down.
Continue reading “Homily – 24th Sunday Ordinary Time”Homily – 23rd Sunday Ordinary Time
How many of us right now are suffering from seasonal allergies? And some days are worse than other days. Right. So the other day I was on the subway going to the chancellery, and I had to sneeze. That when I sneeze, everybody knows I am one of those very loud sneezes. And this woman looked at me like I had just contaminated the whole train.
Continue reading “Homily – 23rd Sunday Ordinary Time”Homily – 21st Sunday Ordinary Time
Have we all ever delivered an ultimatum? You know we’re going to draw the line in the sand. Either this or that. Now, in my experience, ultimatums do not work very well. For example, I have a little two year old great niece. Do we have two year olds in our lives? Are we familiar with this concept? Have we ever given a two year old an ultimatum?
Continue reading “Homily – 21st Sunday Ordinary Time”Homily – 20th Sunday Ordinary Time
How many of us have seen the commercials that begin as seen on television? I absolutely believe those. I cannot watch them without wanting to buy something. Am I the only one? If you’re like me, please raise your hand. Thank you. Thank you. But. But I have something shocking to say. And that is, you know, that pineapple corer.
Continue reading “Homily – 20th Sunday Ordinary Time”Homily – 19th Sunday Ordinary Time
How many in the community this morning play Wordle? How many are Wordle players? Okay, Wordle is phenomenal. You have six tries to guess a 5 or 6 letter word. And it all depends on how you guessed that first word. How many vowels and consonants you get right. So there really is a strategy to this. But you know, it’s not just Wordle.
Continue reading “Homily – 19th Sunday Ordinary Time”