Help Needed

Our Parish Vocation Committee and our Bulletin Board Committee need a “few good volunteers” to help with their important work. The Vocation committee works with the Diocesan Vocation Office to promote a greater awareness of the Call to Service while the Bulletin Board group try to visually highlight events in the Parish.

Homeless Shelter Volunteers

Assumption Church is planning to host a homeless shelter from January 4 through February 5. They need volunteers to cook, open up and stay overnight. This important and rewarding ministry will not be possible unless sufficient volunteers step forward. If you want more information or will help contact Tom Amon at [email protected] or Patrick McEntee at [email protected] or Kathy Reynolds at [email protected] (RE: homeless shelter).

Weekly Envelopes

Your donation envelopes will no longer be mailed to your house (or apartment). Soon we will be displaying the boxes of envelopes in the entrance of the Church for you to pick up.

This economy will save us on postage and provide you with certain reception of your envelopes for 2010. More information will follow before the boxes of
envelopes are displayed.