Dear St. Charles Parish Family and Friends,
“These are the times that try men’s souls.” Thomas Paine wrote that in 1776 but is apropos of the health crisis we are living through today. These are trying times, and if we are willing to be honest, many of us may be a bit afraid because there are so many unknowns with the coronavirus.
But rather than panic, let us pray on our own and together virtually. The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC), together with Fr. Bill, Msgr. Al, and Fr. John, wants our parish family to know that St. Charles is here for you and remains committed to providing you with spiritual support. While the church is no longer permitted to be open for Eucharistic Adoration and private prayer, Mass will be live-streamed again this Sunday at 11:15 AM and will also be available on our website for later viewing [Zoom meeting details removed from website for security reasons]. Masses from St. James and the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph are available on Net TV. The parish office is closed, but Fr. Bill is available when needed by phone. Continue reading “Message from Donna Whiteford, PPC”