Community Mass – Christ the King 11/22/2020

Please join us for Mass for the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe – Sunday, November 22.

  • 9 AM EST public Morning Mass celebrated at the Church (not streamed)
  • 11:15 AM EST Community Mass celebrated at the Church and also streamed online. Instructions to view the Mass are available here. You can also watch the video via YouTube Live in the window above.
  • Today’s readings and hymns are available to download here:
    November 22.
  • Hymnals, bulletins, and other handouts will not be available at the church. Please download on your phone or tablet, or bring your own missal.
  • Please follow the instructions of the ushers, and observe all of the health precautions so that we can continue to worship together safely.
  • Support our Parish – Please contribute to our General Collection online here.
  • Help us support Catholic Charities Food Pantries in Brooklyn and Queens online
  • Annual Catholic Appeal Contribute online here. Select “St. Charles Borromeo R.C. Church – Brooklyn” as the parish.

Community Mass – 33rd Sunday Ordinary Time

Please join us for Mass for the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time – Sunday, November 15.

  • 9 AM EST public Morning Mass celebrated at the Church (not streamed)
  • 11:15 AM EST Community Mass at celebrated at the Church and also streamed online. Instructions to view the Mass are available here. You can also watch the video via YouTube Live in the window below.
  • Today’s readings and hymns are available to download here: November 15. Hymnals, bulletins, and other handouts will not be available at the church. Please download on your phone or tablet, or bring your own missal.
  • Please follow the instructions of the ushers, and observe all of the health precautions so that we can continue to worship together safely.
  • Support our Parish – Please contribute to our General Collection online here.
  • Help us support Catholic Charities Food Pantries in Brooklyn and Queens online
  • Annual Catholic Appeal Contribute online here. Select “St. Charles Borromeo R.C. Church – Brooklyn” as the parish.

32nd Sunday Ordinary Time/St. Charles Borromeo (Fr. Smith Homily)

Today’s gospel asks, “What are you waiting for?” It is always a good question, but especially pertinent on our patronal feast day and the present situation of our nation and parish.  

The parable reflects the marriage customs of 1st century Galilee which scholars tell us can still be seen in some places in the Middle East today. A marriage was an arrangement between families with two stages. The potential bride was sent to live with the possible groom’s family for about a year. If the situation proved satisfactory the groom would go the bride’s family and conclude the, mostly financial, details. When he returned to his house, they were considered married. This was marked by a great feast. Usually, the only one that the couple he would ever give. The young women of the village would participate by greeting the groom with song and if he came after dark with lit torches. This may have been the only party of the year and they would not want to miss it. Yet some of the young women did not calculate properly and lost out of the chance of joining the celebration.  

Continue reading “32nd Sunday Ordinary Time/St. Charles Borromeo (Fr. Smith Homily)”

Community Mass – 32nd Sunday Ordinary Time/St. Charles Borromeo

Please join us for Mass for the 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time – Sunday, November 8. We will commemorate our patron saint, St. Charles Borromeo.

  • 9 AM EST public Morning Mass celebrated at the Church (not streamed)
  • 11:15 AM EST Community Mass at celebrated at the Church and also streamed online. Instructions to view the Mass are available here. You can also watch the video via YouTube Live in the window below.
  • Today’s readings and hymns are available to download here: November 8. Hymnals, bulletins, and other handouts will not be available at the church. Please download on your phone or tablet, or bring your own missal.
  • Please follow the instructions of the ushers, and observe all of the health precautions so that we can continue to worship together safely.
  • Support our Parish – Please contribute to our General Collection online here.
  • Help us support Catholic Charities Food Pantries in Brooklyn and Queens online
  • Annual Catholic Appeal Contribute online here. Select “St. Charles Borromeo R.C. Church – Brooklyn” as the parish.

All Saints – Homily (Fr. Smith)

I wish to congratulate our parishioners who have been reading the Pope Francis’ latest encyclical “Fratelli Tutti”. It is a deep work and will be well worth reading several times. With something as profound as this I like to have a key, a phrase or an idea which will put the entire work into perspective. I had trouble finding one until I heard a comment by a Franciscan friar who summed it up with “it doesn’t have to be like this”. This not only helps to interpret Fratelli Tutti, but also today’s gospel reading and feast.

Beatitude is usually translated as “blessing”: something which puts us in a good situation.

Continue reading “All Saints – Homily (Fr. Smith)”

Community Mass – All Saints

Please join us for Mass for the Solemnity of All Saints – Sunday, November 1. Note that Daylight Savings Time ends at 2 AM on November 1.

  • 9 AM EST public Morning Mass celebrated at the Church (not streamed)
  • 11:15 AM EST Community Mass at celebrated at the Church and also streamed online. Instructions to view the Mass are available here. You can also watch the video via YouTube Live in the window below.
  • Today’s readings and hymns are available to download here: November 1. Hymnals, bulletins, and other handouts will not be available at the church. Please download on your phone or tablet, or bring your own missal.
  • Please follow the instructions of the ushers, and observe all of the health precautions so that we can continue to worship together safely.
  • Support our Parish – Please contribute to our General Collection online here.
  • Help us support Catholic Charities Food Pantries in Brooklyn and Queens online
  • Annual Catholic Appeal Contribute online here. Select “St. Charles Borromeo R.C. Church – Brooklyn” as the parish.