Community Mass – 7th Sunday of Easter

Please join us to celebrate the 7th Sunday of Easter on Sunday, May 16th.

Our current Mass times are:

Today’s readings and hymns are available to download below.

Community Mass – Ascension Thursday

Please join us to celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord on Thursday, May 13th.

The Mass for today will be held at:;

View today’s readings on the USCCB website.

6th Sunday of Easter – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)

As we mentioned at the beginning of today’s liturgy, it is the sixth Sunday of Easter.

And so for six, seven weeks we have been singing alleluia, yes.

And I wonder sometimes since we do these things almost out of practice or what you might say habit.

Whether we ever really stop to think.

Why are we using this one word so frequently?

Continue reading “6th Sunday of Easter – Homily (Msgr. LoPinto)”

Novena to Our Blessed Mother

In May, we honor our Blessed Mother. We invite you to join us in praying a novena to the Our Lady of Fatima. If you haven’t joined in before, novenas consist of short prayers and will last less than 10 minutes. They are wonderful ways to orient your day to God.

The novena will be said on nine consecutive days at 5 PM starting on Sunday, May 16 through Monday, May 24.

The novena will be said on the parish Zoom channel. Instructions on how to join are available here.

Community Mass – 6th Sunday of Easter

Please join us to celebrate the 6th Sunday of Easter on Sunday, May 9th.

Our current Mass times are:

Today’s readings and hymns are available to download below.

5th Sunday of Easter – Homily (Fr. Smith)

Jesus walked before he talked. By this I mean that he saw his world up close and slow before he began his preaching and teaching. His use of biblical imagery is particularly effective because he knew the physical realities of growth and rot, care and neglect, competence and incompetence from personal experience. This is particularly important for understanding today’s gospel.

Jesus lived in Nazareth but as a general contractor – a better choice for the Greek word we usually translate as carpenter – he would have worked mostly in the Greek speaking town of Sepphoris It was about a 4 mile walk and there were many fields with sheep and many vineyards with grapes and olives. When he calls himself the good shepherd, he has seen the dedication of good shepherds but understands why the scriptures use bad, self-serving, shepherds as the most potent image of corrupt leadership. He brings his experience to give this image greater effect. So too today with the vineyard.

Jesus saw vineyards grow or decline on his walk to and from work. After an evening storm he would have seen branches that were separated from the trunk of the tree looking good and healthy on the morning walk to Sepphoris but they would have been obviously decaying on the way back to Nazareth and dead the next day. They were fit only to burn.

Continue reading “5th Sunday of Easter – Homily (Fr. Smith)”

Raffael (Ray) Guidone – Funeral

Dear St. Charles Parish Family and Friends,

I regret to inform you of the death of Ray Guidone, a faithful parishioner and a member of our parish’s Finance Council. He was a professor of computer systems technology at New York City Tech for many years.

There will be a wake at the Church (19 Sidney Place) in the narthex, beginning at 10 AM on Thursday, May 6, followed by the Mass of Christian Burial at 11 AM.

We extend our condolences to his family and friends.
May he rest in peace.

In Christ,
Fr. Bill