The Gather 3rd Edition Hymnal/Missals are now available for use in the church – pick one up as you enter and return it after Mass. Instructions on how to use the hymnal missal are available here:
Entrance: All Are Welcome – 850 Readings and Responsorial Psalm – 1129 Offertory: Make Me a Channel of Your Peace – 828 Communion: You Satisfy the Hungry Heart – 940 Closing: Rain Down – 582
The first reading in this morning’s liturgy comes from the Book of Job, one of the more interesting and challenging books in the Jewish scripture.
And this selection that we listen to is from a dialog that’s going on between Job and God, has been terribly afflicted as he has lost family, possessions and is in great physical distress.
And so Job questions God as to why these things are happening to him.
The only thing I know about plants is that they tend to die when I get close to them. I understand little botany, and, in this case, that is a good thing. Like the people who first heard this Gospel, I stand in unmediated awe before the God who is the Lord of nature. Awe is a good teacher.
Today’s Gospel is a perfect choice for today’s feast: The Body and Blood of Christ, popularly called “Corpus Christi”. It is especially important for this year. To understand why, we will need to look at what Jesus was doing and why he was doing it at the Passover.