5th Sunday of Lent – Homily (Fr. Smith)

The story of the woman caught in adultery is the sleaziest chapter in the New Testament. Everyone, but Jesus is a sinner, and the adulterous woman is perhaps the least of them 

To understand why we need some background.  

It was easy for a man to divorce his Wife. One famous rabbi (Hillel) held that a man could divorce his wife if she turned out to be a bad cook. But if he divorced her, he had to return the dowery unless she was convicted of adultery  

In Jewish law adultery was a capital crime punishable by the savage death of stoning. The great rabbis were cultured and ethical men and did not want to enforce this. They did not condone adultery, but they recognized that the punishment was greater than the crime. So, they required that there must be two male eyewitnesses to prove anyone’s guilt for the death sentence to be imposed. Furthermore, they defined eyewitness as literally that: both witnesses had to actually see the act. This was taken so seriously that if a whole village saw someone enter a house, come out a few minutes later and a dead body was found in the house immediately after that they could not convict.  

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Community Mass – 5th Sunday of Lent

On Sunday, April 3, 2022, join us in person or online for the 5th Sunday of Lent.

Our current Mass times are:

The readings will be from Cycle C.

Entrance: From Ashes to the Living Font – 474
Offertory: Lord of All Hopefulness – 663
Readings and Psalms – 1032
Communion: Be Not Afraid – 683
Closing: Jerusalem My Destiny – 492

The Gather 3rd Edition Hymnal/Missals are available for use in the church – pick one up as you enter and return it after Mass. Instructions on how to use the hymnal missal are available here: https://www.stcharlesbklyn.org/hymnal-missal/ .

Today’s readings are also available to read online at the USCCB website https://bible.usccb.org .

Community Mass – 4th Sunday of Lent

On Sunday, March 27, 2022, join us in person or online for the 4th Sunday of Lent.

Our current Mass times are:

The readings will be from Cycle C.

Entrance: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say – 724
Readings and Psalms – 1029
Offertory: Hosea – 484

Communion: Taste and See – 930

Closing: Though the Mountains May Fall – 689

The Gather 3rd Edition Hymnal/Missals are available for use in the church – pick one up as you enter and return it after Mass. Instructions on how to use the hymnal missal are available here: https://www.stcharlesbklyn.org/hymnal-missal/ .

Today’s readings are also available to read online at the USCCB website https://bible.usccb.org .

Mass Intentions for the Week of March 20

Sunday, March 20
9 AM Mass Remembered By
Theresa & Loreto Schiano ✟ Daughters Giustina & Gemma
11:15 AM Mass Remembered By
Warner Lombardi ✟, Saturnino Duque ✟,
& Robert Barry ✟
Angel & Minsie Ampil
Saturday, March 26
12 PM Baptism
Emma Diaz

The Masses celebrated at St. Charles Borromeo may be offered for your intentions–for any person or persons, living or deceased. To have a Mass offered for someone, please call or email the rectory.

3rd Sunday of Lent – Homily (Fr. Smith)

Today’s Gospel is a preemptive strike by Jesus. There were many who believed that bad things happened only to sinful people and Jesus’ death by crucifixion was the worst thing in that world. This was not only among Romans, the book of Deuteronomy states that the gravely sinful were to be executed and placed on a tree for all to curse and revile. Jesus knew that some would interpret his crucifixion as payment for the sin of blasphemy and so he addressed this beforehand. Bad things, indeed, very bad things could happen to good people. Yet he takes this opportunity to remind us of something even more basic and one which we have seen rather recently. 

Continue reading “3rd Sunday of Lent – Homily (Fr. Smith)”

Parish Fish Fry

Join us for our parish fish fry on Friday, April 1. We weren’t trying to be trending, but fish fries are making a comeback according to an article in this week’s Tablet.

We will start with evening prayers (Vespers) in the rectory chapel at 5 PM followed by a social gathering starting around 5:30 PM. Fried fish will be served! We hope to dine in the rectory backyard (weather permitting). Proof of vaccination is required.

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