Chin/de Csepel Wedding – May 5, 2012

Thanks to Kelly Chin and John de Csepel for sharing photos of their wedding at St. Charles on May 5th.

Have your wedding at St. Charles! Email [email protected] or talk with Fr. Ed after any Mass at least 6 months before your desired wedding date. 

If you or your family have been married or celebrated any other sacraments at St. Charles, we would welcome any photographs that you may have for posting on the website. Please email them to [email protected]

Outreach Committee

Do you have ideas for ways we can live our mission? Do you have sewing, knitting, crocheting, gardening skills? Could you help someone who is unable to shop or pick-up his or her medications? These are some ways we can live our mission.

The Outreach Committee reconvenes in September on the first Sunday of the month after 10:30 Mass in the Sacristy. Please join us. If you are interested, please email the [email protected], or Robin Curtis at [email protected].