Community Mass – 32nd Sunday Ordinary Time

Join us to worship together in person or online. Mass times are 9 am, 11:15 am, and 7 PM EST on Sunday.

Watch the video live by clicking in the window above. Automated closed captioning is available.

If you like our online masses, please Like our videos so more people can find them. Subscribe to our YouTube channel stcharlesbklyn at this link to watch on your Internet enabled TV or viewing device.

Today’s readings will be from Cycle A.

Readings/Psalms: 1185

Entrance: We Gather Together – 638

Offertory: We Remember – 681

Communion: Christ, Be Our Light! – 590

Closing: Rain Down – 582

The Gather 3rd Edition Hymnal/Missals are available for use in the church – they are at the ends of the pews. Please return the missals to the end of the pew after Mass. Instructions on how to use the hymnal missal are available here: .

Today’s readings are also available to read online at the USCCB website .

Community Mass – St. Charles Borromeo Patronal Feast Day Observed

Join us to worship together in person or online for our church’s patronal feast day. Mass times are 9 am, 11:15 am, and 7 PM EST on Sunday. Daylight Savings Time ends this Sunday. New pastoral leaders will be installed at the 11:15 AM Mass.

Watch the video live by clicking in the window above. Automated closed captioning is available.

If you like our online masses, please Like our videos so more people can find them. Subscribe to our YouTube channel stcharlesbklyn at this link to watch on your Internet enabled TV or viewing device.

Today’s readings will be from Cycle A.

Readings/Psalms: 1182

Entrance: Glory and Praise to Our God – 606

Offertory: In Every Age – 716

Communion: Change Our Hearts – 493

Closing: City of God – 766

The Gather 3rd Edition Hymnal/Missals are available for use in the church – they are at the ends of the pews. Please return the missals to the end of the pew after Mass. Instructions on how to use the hymnal missal are available here: .

Today’s readings are also available to read online at the USCCB website .

Homily – 30th Sunday Ordinary Time – Msgr. LoPinto

Once more this Sunday, as we continue with the excerpts from the Gospel of Matthew, we see that they come to Jesus for the purpose of testing him. They are attempting to find fault in him. They are attempting to find that by which they might discredit him within the community, both the community of occupation, as well as the community of those of the tradition.

Continue reading “Homily – 30th Sunday Ordinary Time – Msgr. LoPinto”

Community Mass – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Join us to worship together in person or online. Mass times are 9 am, 11:15 am, and 7 PM on Sunday.

Watch the video live by clicking in the window above. Automated closed captioning is available.

If you like our online masses, please Like our videos so more people can find them. Subscribe to our YouTube channel stcharlesbklyn at this link to watch on your Internet enabled TV or viewing device.

Today’s readings will be from Cycle A.

Readings/Psalms: 1179

Entrance: Gather Your People – 837

Offertory: Only This I Want – 782

Communion: Let Us Be Bread – 946

Closing: How Can I Keep from Singing? – 685

The Gather 3rd Edition Hymnal/Missals are available for use in the church – they are at the ends of the pews. Please return the missals to the end of the pew after Mass. Instructions on how to use the hymnal missal are available here: .

Today’s readings are also available to read online at the USCCB website .

In Memoriam: Kaye Brinker

We are sad to announce the passing of long-time parishioner Catherine “Kaye” Brinker. Kaye passed away on Wednesday. She will be missed by our parish and our neighborhood. Kaye gave much to our parish over many years, including leading and joyfully participating in our Sunday book club. She also taught at nearby Grace Church School.

There will be a wake tomorrow (Saturday, October 28) at 12 PM at Cobble Hill Funeral Home (171 Court Street). Her funeral Mass will also be held tomorrow at 1:30 PM at St. Charles Borromeo. The Mass will be streamed for those who cannot attend in person. You can watch the Mass live or on replay via YouTube here.

Novena to St. Charles

November 4 is the memorial of our parish’s patron, St. Charles Borromeo. St. Charles (1539-1584) is the patron saint of learning and the arts, and of catechists. He performed many acts of charity and ministered to the sick during an outbreak of bubonic plague.

Please join us in praying a novena in honor of St. Charles over the nine days leading to his feast, Thursday, October 26 through Friday, November 3. The parish Zoom link will be open at 5 PM each day to pray the novena with fellow parishioners.

Don’t worry if you can’t make all nine days. The materials are available here if you would like to pray on one or more days on your own.