27th Sunday Ordinary Time – If Today You Hear His Voice, Harden Not Your Hearts

Habakkuk and God; Illuminated Bible from the 1220s, National Library of Portugal

This is the first time we have examined the prophet Habakkuk. He prophesized during the time of Jeremiah. (Background for the time can be found here.) The book was most likely composed between the first signs that the Babylonians were preparing to attack Jerusalem  598 BC and final assault in March 597. 

It is composed of 3 sections: An opening dialogue between Habakkuk and God, a vision and a concluding psalm. Our reading today is only from the first section, but we will refer to the others as well. Note however that it is divided.

As with virtually all the prophets, Habakkuk is persecuted for following his call and the God who called him has not, in his view, sufficiently defended him:  

How long, O LORD? I cry for help 

but you do not listen! 

I cry out to you, “Violence!”  

but you do not intervene. Hab 1:2 


Also, as the prophets before him he is especially hated because of his calls for justice: 


Why do you make me see wrongdoing 

and look at trouble? Hab 1:3. 


In verses immediately after the one we first read today; he continues: 


This is why the law is benumbed,  

and judgment is never rendered: 

Because the wicked circumvent the just;  

this is why judgment comes forth perverted (Hab 1:4). 

Experts in the law have used it to pervert indeed undue its basic meaning. How can it mean anything when it is used against the weak and defenseless?  

God now speaks and tellHabakkuk that He will be using the Babylonians, (Chaldea) to punish the Judeans.  

For see, I am raising up Chaldea,  

that bitter and unruly people (Hab 1:6). 

God continues for 5 more verses on how destructive the Babylonians are. (Hab 7-12). Finally, Habakkuk can take it no longer and he cries out with: 

Are you not from eternity, O LORD, 

my holy God, immortal? 

O LORD you have marked him for judgment,  

Rock , you have readied him for punishment! 

13 Too pure are your eyes to look upon evil,  

and the sight of misery you cannot endure. 

Why, then, do you gaze on the faithless in silence  

while the wicked man devours 

one more just than himself? (Hab 1:12–13). 

This is Habakkuk’s second question to God. However bad the Judeans have been they are not as evil as the Babylonians. Why is God using them against his people? 

But Habakkuk ends this wisely with: 

I will stand at my guard post,  

and station myself upon the rampart, 

And keep watch to see what he will say to me,  

and what answer he will give to my complaint (Hab 2:1). 


He is ultimately humble enough to know that he must listen to God. In the second part of today’s reading God responds:  

2 Then the LORD answered me and said:  

Write down the vision 

Clearly upon the tablets,  

so that one can read it readily. 

For the vision still has its time,  

presses on to fulfillment, and will not disappoint; 

If it delays, wait for it,  

it will surely come, it will not be late. 

The rash man has no integrity; 

but the just man, because of his faith, shall (Hab 2:2–4a). 

Neither Habakkuk nor any human will have the answer to ultimate questions. That must come from God. It will not come immediately, nor will it be immediately understood. Therefore, it must be written down so that it can be pondered later. We should remember that this was composed before the exile but would not be fulfilled until the return to Jerusalem. The primary meaning of Prophecy is not predicting the future and indeed most times it does not. But as we have seen with Ezekiel and a bit with Jeremiah sometimes it does. This is one of those cases. He is telling Habakkuk that vindication will come but not in his lifetime and so he must not only wait for his word to be given but write it down for those who will see it fulfilled. Those who are rash will not wait and will not see but those who are open will. 

The visions now follow, to give just a few: 

5 He who opens wide his throat like the nether world,  

and is insatiable as death, 

Who gathers to himself all the nations,  

and rallies to himself all the peoples— 

6 Shall not all these take up a taunt against him,  

satire and epigrams about him, to say: 

Woe to him who stores up what is not his:  

how long can it last! 

he loads himself down with debts. 

9 Woe to him who pursues evil gain for his household,  

setting his nest on high 

to escape the reach of misfortune! 

and establishes a town by wickedness (Hab 2: selections). 

Prophecy often follows the pattern that after the condemnation of the Jewish people the other nations are condemned and indeed even if they are following God’s will in chastising the Jews if they are not just, they too will be destroyed. The basic need to act justly and fairly is given to all whether Jew or Gentile. Note that God will use the nations to chastise and reform the Jews, his people, but will not perform this therapy for the nations.  

We are required to learn God’s way of telling time and fulfilling promises. His intervention may be powerful, but it is rarely swift. When we look at our nation and world, we might ask ourselves, “Why is God not changing this?”. Why is he not showing his power? Yet he will require of us that we respond immediately to his call. We need to change our minds and hearts, so let the words of Habakkuk become our own. The book concludes with: 

For though the fig tree blossom not  

nor fruit be on the vines, 

Though the yield of the olive fail  

and the terraces produce no nourishment, 

Though the flocks disappear from the fold  

and there be no herd in the stalls, 

18 Yet will I rejoice in the LORD  

and exult in my saving God. 

19 GOD, my Lord, is my strength;  

he makes my feet swift as those of hinds 

and enables me to go upon the heights 

Hab 3:17–19 


26th Sunday Ordinary Time – 11:15 AM (Fr. Smith homily, John Gonzales, CCBQ)


Last week’s Gospel passage ended with Jesus telling us that we cannot serve both “God and Mammon” We see today what happens if we chose Mammon. Mammon means wealth and prosperity for its own sake.  For Luke if wealth is our basic aim then he more we get, the less we are.  

He shows this with his customary artistry by referring only to “a rich Man”. He does not even name him. Lazarus is given the dignity of a name indeed a very noble one “God has helped”. History has added insult to injury and called the rich Man “Dives”, Latin for rich man. There was nothing else left of him but a vessel for vulgar appetites. 

Luke takes delight in emphasizing the vulgarity. Purple was the most expensive color to produce and a person needed permission to wear it. Wearing it all the time was showing off, like a Bishop wearing a miter at dinner. Dining sumptuously every day and not just at feasts showed gluttony: a most unappealing vice. 

Contrast that to what Jesus told his host earlier in Luke’s Gospel “When you hold a lunch or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or your wealthy neighbors, in case they may invite you back and you have repayment. (Lk 14:12). 

For his disobedience to God’s wishes the rich man finds himself in the “netherworld” the land of death and darkness but sees Lazarus in paradise. And there will be wailing and grinding of teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God and you yourselves cast out. (Lk 13:28). 

Here the rich man truly reveals his emptiness by astonishing arrogance. Lazarus is in glory and yet he does not even address him directly but asks Abraham to send him with some water. His imagination itself has been robbed by Mammon. Luke once more shows his artistry. The Rich Man knew Lazarus well enough to know his name but was not moved enough to help him in any way. He had denied Lazarus his humanity on earth but now he will face the consequences in Hades: But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation.But woe to you who are filled now, for you will be hungry. Lk 6:24–25 

This year we have seen many a Lazarus on our boarders. There are images that will haunt usBabies being separated from their parents in May and Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his two year old daughter Valaria  drowned in the Rio Grande in June. 

There is no denying that immigration is a complicated issue and that reform will be difficult. This is beyond the competence of any single individual. Yet as we saw when reviewing Catholic Social teaching last Fall any legislation that destroys the family requires resistance. 

Today, a staff member of Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens who went to Tucson Arizona to help institute a center for eight families in distress will address us about this effort.

I’m happy to introduce John Gonzales, director of community relations for Brooklyn for Catholic Charities.

Thank you, Father Smith. My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, good morning! 

I wanted to again thank you for giving me this opportunity to share the experience that I had in Arizona, in Tucson with a place called Casa Alitas, where our Catholic Charities systems in Arizona – every diocese in America has a Catholic Charities – had appealed for help, and they  appealed through with call Catholic Charities USA responding.

So early in August, I was one of those who was shipped out to help with the asylee community and I’m going to enter, share some of those inside contexts that Father just did. Father offers, of course, the scripture and the gospel context and the situation with Lazarus and the Rich Man to help us look at this issue from those lenses. I would also want to suggest an added context comes from our own Pope Francis. Today is the World Day of Migrants and Refugees – happens to be September 29th that is today, and the pope offers a message, and the title of this message –  I think it’s a very curious one but and at first I thought it was odd, but actually I discovered in reading was quite deep – and it’s called, “It Is Not Just About Migrants.” 

I just want to read this one short paragraph – he says the presence of migrants and refugees and of vulnerable people in general – is an invitation to recover some of those essential dimensions of our Christian existence and our humanity that risks being overlooked in a prosperous society. That is why it’s not just about migrants. When we show concern for them, we also show concern for ourselves, for everyone, and taking care of them we all grow. In listening to them, we also give voice to a part of ourselves that we may have kept hidden because it is not well regarded nowadays. That comes from the message for today from Pope Francis.

And so, there I am early in August going out to Arizona, and Casa Alitas was very chaotic that week. And the reason was they just opened a  juvenile detention center, and so the families that we were receiving – and they were all families by the way not individuals – ICE in their detention centers, validates their stories, calling their sponsoring family, so ICE does their homework and making sure they are valid cases. We don’t get to see them until they are deemed so. They bus them from Nogalas, the border, to Tucson, Arizona and there we receive them, it was but an hour and a half drive, and that’s what, you know, as we received them, we were given on that day I got there in a Sunday – a detention center . So we were concerned, we were concerned for their dignity. Here we are calling ourselves a Welcome Center, and offering them the exact same type of environment that they had come from.  So the community was at the forefront. Catholic Charities is not alone, that was a number of Christian, particularly Protestant communities who allied themselves with Catholic Charities, to offer whatever contributions and furnishings and everything to help them make this a more welcoming center.

So it was a chaotic week to get this place looking like something that could have a place for children to play in, a place for, you know books and resources for kids and for families, and for the rooms to be going, to have some type of dignity. To be honest with you, when we did this, we thought of their dignity. We thought, here we are helping you. We wanted, we want to give you this opportunity.

Later, we really started discovering that if our goal is to develop a relationship, if we are to do with Catholic Social teaching tells us to be in solidarity with them, we have to be able to accompany them and in being able to express their dignity we are doing nothing else but to express our dignity as well. When we dehumanize individuals, we end up dehumanizing ourselves, whether we know it or not. The inverse is also true. When we express dignity to others, we also express our own dignity to them and we’re able to relate with them in true solidarity, at that point can take place. 

So, let me share with you, because this quote that I picked from Pope Francis tells us that we learn, we learn from when we accompany. We learn, we learn with solidarity. 

Indeed, there’s many families that I encountered during that week, and one of them stand to mind. Many of the mothers that I saw had quite a bit of fear, quite a bit of concern. They were taking a step into the unknown, and then when they were concerned about them.  Many of the families that I call throughout the United States are sponsoring family were equally concerned for their family members. They wanted desperately to buy a plane ticket to have so and so go up to New England rather than take a bus, but we couldn’t allow them because they didn’t have the documents, so all we could get them was on a bus for a four day journey. 

As you can imagine, families were very concerned about this, so were we. We were very diligent and making sure that we went over the entire journey with and then I’ll go over the towns they were going to, to go over something, which phrases that would help them on the journey. We’re very diligent with that and for the most part we encountered a pretty good reception, pretty good understanding.

There was one mother, however, that I saw that concerned me greatly, because as I was explaining the situation, I got a sense it wasn’t, it wasn’t getting through to her. She wasn’t understanding.  I got a lot of silent nods or yes, yes, yes, and then I finally, I don’t think she’s getting it. And what I did was, I asked her a question, “So the next stop is where?”, she didn’t know what was going on. I was very concerned. This is not good. 

Well, she had a 13 year old boy, and this boy surprised the daylights out of me. He, I, he was respecting the fact that I was, I usually address the parent – that’s typically what you do when you look to the adult – and okay I’m going to, I’m going to engage a conversation with the adult, and he knew that and he stayed back and let you know for a while, but it was his mother who eventually looked at him and said,”okay, can you help me, because I don’t know what’s going on.” I was speaking in Spanish, mind you. It was she just didn’t have almost a context for what she was doing. 

But this boy came out of left field and took command and we talked and we talked and he asked questions. This is not a passive individual. He wanted to know not only the cities that he was going to,  he wants to know how to pronounce them in good American, you know because something and also instead of it was going to get away with “Tuk-son”, that’s just how many of them say it, you pronounce it as Tucson, let’s go with that, and the next day the same thing. He came up wanting to learn these phrases, let me learn them in English, but how do you pronounce this, how do you pronounce that. 

He wanted to know everything. He wanted to know about our culture, you know.  I took pride in being a New Yorker. He was going to go to and his mother were going to go to a Mid Atlantic state, but he wanted to know what that was about, to eat you know the cuisine, what are non taco cuisine of hamburgers and hot dogs and all they just wanted to soak it all up.

Brothers and sisters, what I would like to share with you is this boy, in his eyes, and when I took him finally the second time to the bus station, and I had to say goodbye and he asked questions to the very end, just say on the ride over the bus station, so he got a sense not only from me, but from others that we New Yorkers drive different then the folks down there in Arizona.  And all that he wanted to sit in the driver’s seat, no, passenger’s seat to drive. It usually takes a half hour, we’ll get there in fifteen minutes. So don’t worry, I was careful, maybe a little fast, but I was careful and good form. 

But as I said goodbye to him and we went through some more English words and some more English phrases right up to the end, I’ve seen some of those videos of the old immigrant communities that came over here. Our story, our story in the late 1800s – early 1900s. Probablly still have you and your stories as well,  and I got to see through him through Paco. Ironically his name is Pacito. And I got to see the hope, the trust, and the belief in an opportunity that our nation was going to be able to to provide him. He was a hopeful person and it made me think, it made me think about our current reality. is American. How much we have a certain pessimism , we have mistrust,  we have division, we have fear. So it uplifted my spirit to see the ongoing immigrant story of hope and opportunity that we remember, that we read about it and that if you go down there, you will actually see and we can actually live. 

And so his face and his departure on the train reminded me of a stanza in a poem and I want to end this right now with this because I believe in this again,  through my experience back in August. Langston Hughes writes, “Let America be America again / :et it be the dream that used to be / Let it be the pioneer on the plain / seeking a home where he himself is free.  

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,  in the coming weeks we hope to continue having this form of solidarity and accompaniment we are looking at some possibilities or how we can be more connected and how our Parish Community here can be connected to the families that are being served over in Arizona. I don’t have anything to say concrete right now. This is a delicate matter insofar as the politics changes, as you can appreciate so we’re very attentive to something that’s going to be very good very concrete. We’re just a family down there.  I will be sure to pass the information out to your pastor, to all the pastors and their parishes so that we can offer a real solidarity between our communities.

Thank you again for allowing me to share, and God bless you.

26th Sunday Ordinary Time – No Exodus for the Complacent and Unjust

Afternoon Sun. Joaquín Sorolla, 1903, The Hispanic Society of America, New York.

September 29, 2019
Amos 6:1A, 4–7

This week we again read from the Prophet Amos. An introduction to Amos and the time and place of his writings may be found in our reflections on Amos from last July. This particular passage emphasizes the destruction and exile of the northern kingdom of Israel by the Assyrians in 721 BC. This was a key event in the history of the Jewish people and has entered folklore as the lost tribes of Israel. Many “histories” have been fabricated about what happened to them. Yet the point is that there was no experience of an Exodus, unlike their forebears under Moses or their successors in the reign of Cyrus. They did not return to their land but were lost to history.  Amos sees the reason why very clearly and is not hesitant to explain it.

We have seen that the Northern Kingdom was very prosperous and under Jeroboam 2 (783–743 BC). He had considerable success in playing the major powers off against each other. This had made the people complacent and greedy. Whenever we read from the book of Amos, we confront the reality of injustice. Last week, we saw God’s special anger at the people who thought they could replace justice with piety. This broke the connection between God and the people with disastrous results.

We begin today with:

Woe to the complacent in Zion,
to the overconfident on the mount of Samaria,
Leaders of a nation favored from the first,
to whom the people of Israel have recourse
(Amos 6:1)

Amos will show them that their complacency has made them blind. The next two verses are not quoted in this passage but are very pertinent to the whole story: Continue reading “26th Sunday Ordinary Time – No Exodus for the Complacent and Unjust”

25th Sunday Ordinary Time: 11:15 AM (Fr. Smith homily)


James Buchanan was president of the United States from 1857-1861. He had the best credentials of any person who ever held the office. He began as a State legislator in Pennsylvania, served his State in both the House and the Senate, was ambassador to both Russia and England and was Secretary of State. He was known as a man of moderation and had a personal political philosophy I, at least, find modest and sensible. Yet, his administration was so bad that he has sometimes been considered a traitor. He was not. His problem was not lack of good will or talent but a major misconception. He believed that the problems before the Civil War could have been managed by usual means. Perhaps reform was needed but the situation could have been maintained. Yet his was a time for revolution not reform and so as his successor Abraham Lincoln remarked “War came”. 

Luke tells us this today as well. Meeting Jesus always creates a crisis: it always demands a conscious decision. This is true both for individuals and for a community.  

The parable of the incompetent steward is a hidden Lukan masterpiece. The steward was essentially a financial manager responsible for the daily operations of an estate or business. This man was obviously not very good at it, yet notice how he deals with a crisis. He immediately takes control of the situation and uses his authority while he has it to prepare a future for himself.   Continue reading “25th Sunday Ordinary Time: 11:15 AM (Fr. Smith homily)”

25th Sunday Ordinary Time – Hearing the Cry of the Poor, Hearing God’s Word, and Acting!

The Angelus, Jean-François Millet, 1857-1859, Musée d’Orsay

September 22, 2019
Amos 8:4–7

This week, we read from the Book of Amos. We last read from this book in July of 2018. Oddly we will also read it again next week. This week, we look at one of the visions of Amos and examine the consequences of wrapping worship around injustice.

King Jeroboam 2 was king of Israel between 783–743 BC. He was a talented politician and saw that Assyria, the dominant power in the north at the time, was experiencing internal discord. He was able to expand his country’s boundaries and its trade bringing unparalleled prosperity, for at least the aristocracy. This was seen in the development of cities which centralized both worship and commerce often by the same people (king: Amos 7:10–11, high priest: Am. 7:16–17, and wealthy of Samaria: Am. 4:1–3). This prosperity also brought ignorance of God. It is to this world that Amos is sent.

The most critical development was the growth of a permanent underclass, which was contrary to the will of God. This is reflected not only in the writings of Amos and his near contemporary in the Northern Kingdom Micah, but in the other prophets as well. At about the same time Isaiah said:

Learn to do good.
Make justice your aim: redress the wronged,
hear the orphan’s plea, defend the widow
(Is. 1:17) Continue reading “25th Sunday Ordinary Time – Hearing the Cry of the Poor, Hearing God’s Word, and Acting!”