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Homily – Corpus Christi

Have you ever noticed that we as a people tend to think in threes? So if I say to you. Red, blue. Then I hear we have a discussion. Someone says white. Someone says yellow. Where are the yellow people? Primary colors red, blue and yellow. Who says white? Patriotic people. Red, white and blue. So sometimes there is going to be a fourth option.

So let’s try this again. If I say apples, oranges, you say bananas. Who say grapefruit? Bananas. Okay, we’re back to the fourth. One more. I’ve got to be right. At one point, Mo. Larry and. Okay, see, we finally came to three. The threes are very important for us as a people. Think of the number of times that we just think in threes.

So the church has given us three great celebrations in a row. Pentecost, Holy Trinity and Corpus Christi to reflect on the greatest of all time. The growth of our faith. Two weeks ago, we considered the greatest lie of all times that we are not called to holiness because the church tells us the great call to holiness. The greatest call of all times comes from the Holy Spirit and each and every one of us, guided by the spirit of the resurrection, rose in holiness.

Even though there are those who say we can’t be holy. Every year the church reminds us, oh yes we can. And then on Trinity Sunday, we are given the great gift of father, Son and Holy Spirit. And how many of them are there? Three. And we are reminded of the greatest mystery of all time. The ghost of all mystery.

And that is, no matter how much we study, no matter how much we reflect or pray, we will never fully understand the mystery of the Holy Trinity. But yet, guided by the Spirit of Pentecost, and as we come to celebrate the Body and Blood of Christ, then the identity of God the Father becomes so much clearer to us.

And that leads us to today, the greatest of all gifts. The gift of the Body and Blood of Christ that unites us in mind and in heart around the table of the Lord. To share in this sacred meal. But we are also reminded today that this meal is a sacrifice, not a sacrifice of an animal, but the sacrifice of the second person of the Holy Trinity of Jesus Christ Himself, given for the life of the world.

And at the Last Supper. That sacred meal, the day before the sacred sacrifice of the passion and death of Jesus, he gave us four important words. And they are. Take less break and share what we do every Sunday. Every time we gather for the Eucharist, Jesus took bread. Now to take has very interesting meals a minute. I can have a different take on something.

My attitude or the way I look at it, may be very different than the way somebody else has a take on it. That’s one meaning I can take something that doesn’t belong to me. I could steal it. That’s another meaning of the word take. Or I can take something from someone else. I can take it into myself. I can take it and become one with it.

That’s what the Lord means. That he took bread. That is going to be come his very body, so that we can take it from him and take it into ourselves. Not only did he take it, but he blessed the bread, making it holy, so that when we take in the body of Christ, we become holy, just like we reflect it all.

In the Spirit of Pentecost. The holiness of the Eucharist fills us when we take it in. Jesus took blessed Rome. For those of us who are good Sicilians. Do we ever cut bread? Know what do we do with a loaf of bread? We rip it. We break it. Why? Because we know that before we can share it, we have to divide it.

But not only that, in his great sacrifice, Jesus, a Jesus’s body was taken by the Romans and broken. And in that breaking of Jesus’s body on the cross, we were blessed and we were given a share of everlasting life. So we take, bless, break and share the body of Christ just as he shared bread and wine at the Last Supper and His body on the cross sacrificed for us.

And isn’t it amazing that today, on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, we take all of those words, all of that meaning and make it real? Because we take into ourselves the body of Christ, so that we can go out in the world and share it. We break bread so that we can become one united in heart and mind.

Here in church, to be united with our world out there, a living sign of Christ. Passion, death and resurrection. All of that. We have celebrated the past three weeks and continue to celebrate every Sunday when we gather together. And isn’t that amazing? So let’s try it again. Red, blue and.

We still are divided. Let’s try it again. Apples, oranges and. Better. But I still heard a grapefruit. What is the grapefruit? All. Let’s try it again. Father, son and, we are united in faith. Jesus said, take blessed break and. There. United in faith. As we celebrate the great feast of the body and blood of Christ. Corpus Christi, let us pray for the unity of our hearts and minds, that we may become one in the breaking of the bread.

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