December 2 Events

Prayers for World Peace Sunday
Join us after the 9 AM Family Mass this Sunday for Prayers for World Peace Sunday. All attendees, including young people and their caregivers, are invited to remain in the Church and join in group prayer of one decade of the Rosary, followed by two prayers for peace. Our world has become so violent in recent months and years, and prayers and the intercession of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, are desperately needed. 

We, at St. Charles Borromeo, dedicate the first Sunday of each month as “Prayers for World Peace Sunday.”

Wreath Sale on December 3
Our annual wreath sale will take place this Sunday, December 3. Christmas wreathes will be available for purchase before and after the 9 and 11:15 AM Masses.

Christmas Gifts for Children
Our parish has several opportunities to give gifts to children this upcoming Christmas season:

Toy Drive: In what has been a strong twelve-year tradition, we are partnering with the Custom House, to support the Catholic Charities toy drive. The toys and baby items collected will be brought together in a “toy store” for parents to choose which toys they think best for their children. Please place your toys in the rear of the Church by Friday, December 15. Donations will be on display at Custom House on Saturday, December 16 during the afternoon before being picked up by Catholic Charities for distribution during the week.

Gift Cards: For the sixth year, we are working with HeartShare St. Vincent’s Services to provide gift cards for young people leaving foster care. This is especially important for those who have children themselves. You can give online,, or drop off a check in the collection box or with the rectory.

Since 1997, HeartShare St. Vincent’s Services has been providing educational and financial support to college students placed in foster care through our American Dream Program. Over the years, ADP has evolved into a comprehensive coaching program that now serves over 204 youth between the ages of 5 and 26. It offers one-on-one trauma-informed coaching, tutoring, college success support, career exploration and development, and assistance with securing housing.   

The gift cards provided by St. Charles Borromeo for the past few years have been given to the older youth who are in college, or a post-secondary program, as a holiday gift.