Site icon St. Charles Borromeo Church

Annual Catholic Appeal

Response to 2020 Appeal – Thank you very much for your generosity to last year’s appeal. Not only did we support many wonderful ministries, but we went so far over goal that we received $12,075.50 back for the needs of the Parish.

Contributing to 2021 Appeal – We ask you to be as generous this year. Please remember that the money collected for the Annual Catholic Campaign does not support the administrative needs of the Diocese, but specific and necessary ministries that help the people of Brooklyn and Queens. Do you want to be part of a Diocese that does not adequately provide Chaplains for Hospitals and High Schools or care for elderly Priests? We will look at these ministries over the coming weeks but ask you to think and pray about it now.

We encourage all to watch the brief 2021 video to learn about the faith of the Church at work in Brooklyn and Queens. You can access it online at: The work and services made possible through your donations to the Annual Catholic Appeal help people in Brooklyn and Queens in ways that no one parish can do alone.

You can donate by going to or texting ACAto 917-336-1255. Please remember to select our parish, St. Charles Borromeo – Brooklyn (1043), from the alphabetized list of parishes when making your donation.

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