We sponsor opportunities for us to give in different ways this Christmas season. It’s a busy time of year, so below is a brief summary of our Christmas giving appeals. More details about many of the programs are available below on the website.
- Toys for Individual Children
- If you would like to buy toys for a particular child, we will have the names of individual children and what they really want.
- Email josephine@stcharlesbklyn.org to obtain name of child and his/her wish list.
- Respond by December 8, 2020.
- Catholic Charities Toy Drive
- New toys and baby items will be collected will be brought together in a “toy store” for parents to choose which toys they think best for their children.
- Bring unwrapped toys in the rear of church (by Wed., Dec. 9), or bring to Custom House on Sat., Dec. 12
- Respond by December 12, 2020.
- Volunteer Your Time with Catholic Charities
- Two ways to participate: (1) Collect from churches and Investors Bank locations during the week of Dec 14; and/or
(2) Help distribute the toys on Dec. 17/18 (Queens) and Dec. 22 (Brooklyn) - (1) Email or call rectory to help with toy collection; (2) Sign up online to help with toy distribution
- Please respond as soon as possible.
- Two ways to participate: (1) Collect from churches and Investors Bank locations during the week of Dec 14; and/or
- Gift Cards for St. Vincent Scholars
- Gift cards for young people who are cycling out of foster care and likely not receiving any gifts for Christmas this year, and foster children who do not have access to school supplies and learning tools required for remote schooling.
- Donate online at https://stcharlesbklyn.weshareonline.org/ws/opportunities/StVincentsGiftCards or place a check in the collection box (see details below).
- Respond by December 13, 2020.
- Christmas Flower Memorials
- This Christmas season, we will decorate the church with joyousness and memorialize loved ones with flowers.
- Donate online at https://stcharlesbklyn.weshareonline.org/ChristmasFlowerMemorials or via envelope enclosed with the pastor’s Christmas letter.
- Respond by December 19, 2020.
- Christmas Gift to Parish
- We will ask for your support of our annual Christmas donation that goes to support the activities of St. Charles, and St. Charles only. A particular focus this year will be the increased costs due to the pandemic. The parish has been scrupulous in fulfilling our safety responsibilities during the pandemic, but this has been very costly and will continue longer than anticipated.
- Donate online at https://stcharlesbklyn.weshareonline.org/ParishChristmasGift or via envelope enclosed with the pastor’s Christmas letter.
- Respond by December 25, 2020.
- Christmas Gift to Catholic Charities
- Churches across our diocese take up a collection for Catholic Charities on Christmas Day. Catholic Charities has been vitally important for so many of our neighbors, particularly during the hardships of this year. We encourage you to contribute generously.
- Donate online at https://stcharlesbklyn.weshareonline.org/CatholicCharitiesChristmasGift or place a check in the collection box.