One of the principal means of supporting the service and charitable activities of the Diocese is the Annual Catholic Appeal. This is more needed now with the effects of the pandemic but the pandemic itself has prevented many of the fund-raising activities from occurring. The Annual Catholic Appeal supports many important activities for the good of the church and the community.
Therefore, if you have not given, I ask you to please consider doing so. If you are in the church today, there are forms on the tables in the rear of the church. Please fill them out, drop the card in the collection box and take the pencil with you. You may also request a form from the rectory, and we will send it to you.
You can also give online at Instructions for filling it out are listed below.
Please click on Donate as shown below.

Enter your information. Most importantly, if you give online, remember to include the name of the parish as shown below.

As you will see there is a dropdown list of parishes to select from.

Thank you for your attention and generosity
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