We are happy to share that our 9 AM Sunday Mass will resume on October 18. Thanks to our reopening committee, volunteer ushers, music ministry, lectors, and priests for making it possible to expand our worship times on Sunday.
Starting on October 18, two Sunday Masses will be celebrated at St. Charles Borromeo: 9 AM and 11:15 AM. The 11:15 AM Mass will continue to be live-streamed via Zoom and YouTube and also available for later viewing on YouTube for those who are not able to join us in person. We will look to add a 7 PM Mass at a later date.
Again, the new schedule starts in eight days on Sunday, October 18. There is no 9 AM Mass this upcoming Sunday, October 11; only a 11:15 AM Mass.
We are still seeking more volunteer ushers. Our volunteer ushers allow us to worship together while abiding by the recommended safety precautions. If you are able to serve as an usher either at a 9 AM or 11:15 AM Sunday Mass, please contact Jane Olson, Joe Genova, or speak to them outside the church after Mass.
9 AM Mass Resumes on October 18