1. Leadership Meeting – The Parish Pastoral Council invites any interested parishioners to the fall parish leadership meeting. It will take place in the church immediately following the 11:15 AM Mass on September 13. You can also attend via Zoom.
We will discuss plans for next year and would love to hear your input on what areas the parish should focus on, suggestions for new things you would like to try, and/or old things you would like to resume.
As a safety measure, we ask that you try to sit towards the front of the church for Mass that day so we can hear one another during the after Mass discussion without having to move around. Thank you.
2. Book Club Meeting at 12:30 PM in Rectory Garden – The Sunday book club will have its annual preparation meeting to select the books that will be read next year. The meeting will be held in the rectory garden (31 Sidney Place) at 12:30 PM on Sunday, September 13.
New members and suggestions for new books welcome. The Sunday book club meets once a month following the 11:15 a.m. Sunday Mass.
Upcoming Parish Events Next Sunday, Sep. 13